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RETORNO Slovénie 2018

COLLABORATIONS avec d'autres artistes

VideoDANSE et VidéoDANSE·LIVE avec l'interface TCRV

ChorégraKIDS Laboratoire de création et expérimentation chorégraphique pour enfants et adolescents

VideoConfeDANSES #4 - ChorégraKIDS 3/4/2024

DanScie / projet de divulgation scientifique a travers la composition chorégraphique 

Cours dansé UCLouvain Culture - danse final
Education through social entrepreneurship an integrated identity construction - Dance your PhD 2020
julie sol

Education through social entrepreneurship an integrated identity construction - Dance your PhD 2020

Social entrepreneurship education (SEE) is not just about developing bridging skills and dealing with competing logics (commercial, social, etc.). It is also about encountering students ‘emotions and societal engagement. By questioning students’ personal intentions and moral value, SEE can help students to integrate those as part of their social entrepreneur’s identity. However, identity integration is far from easy as competing logics might trigger identity threats, conflicts and shifts. From the theoretical perspective of conversational learning, we theorize this process as ‘education through social entrepreneurship’, where students have conversational spaces to nurture their self-integrated identities. We suggest that to develop such self-integration skills, SEE could help students to develop their 1) mindfulness about their personal values, intentions, motivations and related actions; 2) capacities to be influential and be influenced in collectives; and 3) awareness of other systemic influential positions, including voices of absentees, on collective and individual actions and intentions. By considering the integrative process as a multi-level phenomenon through conversations, this these explore an articulation of self and collective concepts, notably in terms of efficacy (beliefs and perceptions about the individual and collective capacity to act) and identity (beliefs and perceptions about ‘who we are’ and ‘what we do’). More precisely, we investigate the articulation of collective constructs (collective efficacy and collective identity) and emotions, with individual-level constructs already mobilized in SEE (self-efficacy and self-identity). Second, we experiment the use of collective narrative practices in SE courses as a promising tool for students’ identity integration. In this video, we dance our experimentation with collective narrative practices in a Social and Sustainable Entrepreneurship course (LSM, UCLouvain 2019-2020). Keep in touch: Based on the PhD thesis of Julie SOLBREUX Title: Education through social entrepreneurship, towards an integrated identity construction Music and video creation: Tom Play Dancers: Lysiane Delanaye Manon Fauconnier Coralie Helleputte Gea Hernandez Castro Nicolas Kervyn de Meerendré Julie Solbreux Coaches: Gea Hernandez Castro & Rose Gomez Zuniga Text and narration Julie Solbreux Julie Hermans Pictures Research Institutes UCLouvain LOURiM & UNamur IRDENa Julie Solbreux 2021

L'autre Monnaie / video-performances backstage au Théatre Royal de la Monnaie

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